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Heather is an artist, writer and researcher. She is at home diving into original sources and enjoys visiting libraries, museum and university archives as well as online resources. She writes knowledgeably yet accessibly with excellent research skills and sensitively drawn sense of place and character. 

She has an obsessive ability to unearth long buried threads of true stories, weaving lives and events into vivid new tapestries that echo across eras.  

She is at home mooching vintage books and scouring archives.


Recent years have found her researching and writing in depth about an eccentric, once notorious, Dickensian character, agile Circus performers, and the extraordinary life of a little known personality.

She has recently completed a Creative Non-Fiction writing course with the National Centre for Writing.

She is a member of The Society Of Authors, Circus 250, The Music Hall Society and AN, The Artists Network.

The Secret Project

Book, sculpture, multimedia exhibition


Reading and writing have always been a joy. I have written essays, thesis and teaching worksheets all meticulously researched, but it was rather a surprise to find myself writing a whole book after the serendipitous find of a vintage book in a charity shop within a stones throw of my home.

A long forgotten, once notorious 19th century character leapt from the printed Punch cartoon and I was hooked. 

Who was this obsessive woman and why could I find so little about her in any of my usual online research hangouts?

To cut a long story short I dived into archives carefully unfurling crisp inky parchment, handled a previously unopened book of Victorian religious tracts at the British Library rare manuscripts room and scrambled through ivy and brambles in a long disused burial ground, hundreds of miles from home, seeking her, possibly unmarked, grave.

I have pulled the threads of her driven and eventful life together and the book exists, not necessarily in the right order and much editing and writing is needed but I have the structure and have painstakingly woven together the facts, prising out the tiniest snippets and tacking the clues together. A family name change and some written white lies didn't help.

Happily as I constructed her family tree I noticed a surname in common with my own tree. There are two links to my 13th Great Grandfather via her two sister-in-laws.

She has started to visit me periodically, sitting on my shoulder, a little eccentric, black-bombazined owl.


Who is she and why was she so well known in her day? To find out you will need to return here later, a dedicated website is under construction and new related blogs added. You might also like follow me on Twitter @heathertweed for more news when the full story is ready to be revealed!

Eclectic Blogger

Having written a blog for a few months I was excited and surprised to be contacted out of the blue  by a genealogy website asking me to write a guest blog and also an editor from the respected Ripperology magazine inviting me to research and write an article.

My in depth research and writing about my great, great Uncle, George Sargent has appeared on the genealogy site.

I pieced together the amazing story of his pioneering work using the motion picture to analyse the golf swing.

And for  Ripperology I researched into new territory, a terrible and tragic19th century Music Hall murder with a tragic outcome.

I'm continuing to research and write about The Wondrous Letine Troupe, Lulu and many exciting little known performers..

The George Sargent story can be found on my          



The articles were first published in January 2018 you can find a link to information on the book of collated articles


My Blog

Please Visit & Enjoy

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Once my book is closer to production I'll be posting even more exciting new blogs linked to my extraordinary subject!

© 2025 Heather Tweed   All text and images Copyright Heather Tweed or as credited. 

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